viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2011

12 days to new year, intentions for the new year

My commitment to spirituality in 2012 is getting as many people as possible to walk the spiritual path away from the material one and personally to listen FULLY to those speaking to me from the otherworld.
I learnt in the last few months that I ALWAYS have to follow my intuition, even in the smallest things.
Blessings to you all
I forgot to add that ever since I switched from vegetarian to raw vegan my premonitions improved increadbly, my visions are much clearer and everything is falling into pieces in my life!
Thank you for this beautiful web!

DAY 11
As soon as I understood that abundance is about time and the quality of it and not about money, life started to get smoother and money started to come in, slowly but steadly.
For 2012 my goal is to continue having abundance of time and hopefully abundance of money as well.
It's much true what you say TEra, about quality time with kids, it's so important to give them as much attention as possible, long and deep conversations that will stay with them forever.

In the last year thanks to meditations and raw vegan diet my life improved a lot giving me a total new insight on many aspects of life and having to spend my professional life talking and dealing with different kind of people, in my personal life and free time I choose only people whose company inspire me, deep conversations, different subjects, culture interchange. I learnt to say NO to small talk and people that listen to me with an open mouth admiring whatever I say. I understand that I have to share what I know with others but when I choose to do so, not in my free time.
I have the luck to have met a wonderful man 15 years ago who is my soulmate and with whom I am never bored and I like to soend as much time with him as possible.
I have 2 wonderful kids, who with the years became more and more mature and are now 2 beautiful person to show the wolrd to
I also have a mum who's been a friend throughout the years and never judge me.
I also have a handful of friends who inspire me and are always there for me, to laugh and to cry or to go out and get drunk together putting the world upside down, which is also healty once in a blue moon.
then there are my childhood friends, whom I always remeber in times like these, they have been like my family being an only child and this is my main intention in this area for 2012, as I am very happy with all the other realtionships in my life, travel to my homeland to see them again.
Hopefully I will achieve it.
I am also open to new and inspiring people that may come accross my path.
Love and blessing to you all

DAY 10 Career and Business:
I have 2 businesses, a real estate agency and an italian restaurant so
For the real estate, OCeans Marbella, my goal is to achieve at least 5 sales and close a deal, that is due at the beginning of the year, for managing 20-30 apartments for holiday lets.
For the restaurant, Italian Kitchen MArbella, is winning back the clients that have gone missing due to the crisis, organising more night events having dropped considerably the prices, introducing smoothies in spring and more vegan and raw vegan alternatives, as well as organising talks and workshops in order to indruduce healthy foods among people.
And last but not least, my project of writing a   cookbook for children, so that eventually 2012 kids will get fed better.

DAY 9 Love & Relationships for 2012
In the last year thanks to meditations and raw vegan diet my life improved a lot giving me a total new insight on many aspects of life and having to spend my professional life talking and dealing with different kind of people, in my personal life and free time I choose only people whose company inspire me, deep conversations, different subjects, culture interchange. I learnt to say NO to small talk and people that listen to me with an open mouth admiring whatever I say. I understand that I have to share what I know with others but when I choose to do so, not in my free time.
I have the luck to have met a wonderful man 15 years ago who is my soulmate and with whom I am never bored and I like to soend as much time with him as possible.
I have 2 wonderful kids, who with the years became more and more mature and are now 2 beautiful person to show the wolrd to
I also have a mum who’s been a friend throughout the years and never judge me.
I also have a handful of friends who inspire me and are always there for me, to laugh and to cry or to go out and get drunk together putting the world upside down, which is also healty once in a blue moon.
then there are my childhood friends, whom I always remeber in times like these, they have been like my family being an only child and this is my main intention in this area for 2012, as I am very happy with all the other realtionships in my life, travel to my homeland to see them again.
Hopefully I will achieve it.
I am also open to new and inspiring people that may come accross my path.
Love and blessing to you all

I feel sexy as I am, but as my body is shrinking thanks to the raw lifestyle, I'll soon be able to wear more miniskirts and heels, which will make me feel even sexier in my curves.
And my intention for 2012 is to make more time to make love to my husband, but life get so much in the way...

DAY 7 Creativity
I express my creativity in sewing and knitting, I make clothes, quilts, scarfs, hats and it relaxes me a lot. I also love cooking, exploring new recepeis and tecniques, at the moment I am really intrigued with raw vegan desserts.
But my real creative intention for 2012 in to start putting together my book.
And for daydreaming, as we humans have the power to co-create the universe, I daydream what I really need and it manifest in a short while.

DAY 6 Attitude and outlook on life
my intentions are to be positive whatever the circumstances, as it's easy to be happy, positive, brave and loving when life is smooth and the people around you are great. The real challenge is not being down when the situation is tough and need working on. So this is my challenge, turning all the bed into good, all the negative into positive and specially all the people around me, make them happy for just being.

DAY 5 Clutter and Personal Organisation
I am organised, clean and clear when it comes to work, but the house is such a mess.... And I love to see it all nice and tidy when I eventually clear up, but I am so busy all day, when I come home, I cook and take care of the kids, there's just no time to tidy up as it should be done... I like to sit down at the computer, read a book, watch a movie... So my intentions for 2012 is to find more time to dedicate to my house and keep it as tidy and organised as possible!

DAY 4 Beauty and personal care
eating as raw as possible and excersing at least 3 times per week, running, power walking or yoga, wearing make up, making an effort at dressing up, as being beatiful on the inside doen't mean wearing whatever crap I find because I feel great and beautiful anyhow...

2011 has been the year I got vegan and I am so proud I got rid of fish, dairies and coffee which were my addictions (I never really ate meat). I also cut down my alchol consuption, no spirits for over 9 months and just about a glass of wine or beer per week (I believe neither are raw) and my wheat consuption, I have abowl of pasta or a pizza every other week (I am Italian so pasta is a main issue). Discovering the raw diet has set a non return point in my life, I am so passionate about food, I now experiment with raw recepies all the time and I had a vegan Christmas. I am also proud of the fact that my body adjusted so well to this diet that every time I eat something not raw (even a vegan pasta) the digestion is heavy and it makes me almost regret having eaten it.
When I eat raw I feel so light and energised and my intention for 2012 is to win my mental cravings and going 90-100% raw as I now do on a good week.

Day 2 fitness
I commit myself to at least daily wakling and 3 days of workout per week, yoga, running, cycling, swimming or whatever I fancy that day

Day 1 health
Following all the other intention will make me healthy but especially eating raw. I am now travelling and I am so proud I amnaged to keep raw for the last 3 days. It's not difficult when making the effort.
It's been a pleasure to be on this program, it helped me put my thoughts in order for what I want for this 2012.
Love and blessings to tou all

You can look at all my intentions put togheter on the front page of my blog www.marbedan.blogspot
Have a wonderful 2012

sábado, 10 de diciembre de 2011

Day 30

1. I love that I completed this challenge
2. I love my life as it is with its ups and its downs
3. I love that I consider every new day as a white sheet on which to paint a rainbow
4. I love that I am spiritual and enlightened
5. I love that being vegan increase my medium abilities
6. I love that I am completing my druidry studies
7. I love my family
8. I love my friends
9. I love being part of this wonderful community
10. I love having discovered a new philosopy of life

Well done everyone on this challenge, honestly, I can't believe I did it, I am so proud of myself and soooo looking forward to start Body Enlightment with all of you, such a wonderful community.


viernes, 9 de diciembre de 2011

DAY 27
1. I love my hippie lifestyle
2. I love that I don't care what people think of me
3. I love that I respect myself
4. I love that I enjoy my friend's company
5. I love spending the afternoon window shopping
6. I love discovering new ways of entretaining myself
7. I love being able to disconnect
8. I love spending time with different kind of people
9. I love making my kids happy
10. I love doing up my hair in different ways

DAY 28

1. I love Christmas lights
2. I love magic of Christmas and how it softens some people hearts
3. I love that I'm organising a Christmas party for my kids friends
4. I love the smiles on their little faces when they look at toys and how they hope they will get them as presents, eventually
5. I love they're good students
6. I love thay have some good friends that love and respect them
7. I love that I am able to teach them good stuff
8. I love they are better behaved than most of their friends
9. I love how they tell their frinds not to eat junk food, as "they won't grow properly"
10. I love that some of me lives through them

DAY 29

1. I love that I have almost achieved my goal
2. I love that I will be able ti surprise my family soon
3. I love that every day I'm more mature and grown up
4. I love that my business is growing well
5. I love that people value me professionally
6. I love that I am able to make people happy
7. I love that I bought myself a pair of jeans a size smaller
8. I love that I am looking into new food recepies
9. I love that I am organising cooking workshops for January
10. I love that I will be able to spread my knowledge

martes, 6 de diciembre de 2011

DAY 25
1. I love reading
2. I love listening to music
3. I love sewing
4. I love knitting
5. I love tiding up
6. I love decorating my home
7. I love having friends round for tea
8. I love gardening
9. I love making room in cupboards for the winter cloths
10. I love taking stuff I don't need anymore to charity shops
11. I love that my kids do the same with their outgrown toys without having to tell them
12. I love that they understand the importance of donating to less fortunate people
13. I love recicling
14. I love walking or cicling instead of driving
15. I love my kids understand the importance of eating ealthy stuff and not poisonus food
16. I love handmaking Christmas presents for friends and family
17. I love how creative I am and the amount of ideas I get every year
18. I love receiving handmade presents
19. I love watching a good movie
20. I love going out on the terrace at sunset and viewing Africa, it doesn't happen so often so it's a big thing.

domingo, 4 de diciembre de 2011

DAY 23
1. I love that I live in a priviledged place
2. I love that I was walking on the seaside this morning wearing my spring clothes
3. I love that my dog walked 6 km with no strain whatsoever
4. I love that I had my homegrown organic tomatoes for lunch
5. I love that I had time to catch up on some housekeeping unfinished business
6. I love that I feel rested and relaxed
7. I love that I studied for 2 uninterrupted hours
8. I love that life seems so easy these days
9. I love my little girl, she's such a sweetie
10. I love my little boy, he's such a grown up man

DAY 24
1. I love that I'm trying to make people understand that Christmas get together aren't about filling up the belly but sharing a meal with loved ones
2. I love that 30-40% agree on that
3. I love that I'm organising reunions with people from different times of my life for the pleasure of meeting up and not I have to see them because it's Christmas
4. I love that even if the rest of my family is far away I will have a nice time with friends, instead
5. I love that I don't feel sad for it and accept it as it is
6. I love that I accept the fact that I have to work when people enjoy themselves
7. I love that I found vegan substitutes for holiday food including dessert and also for the kids
8. I love that we wrap up presents in newspaper
9. I love that we use eco friendly light and decorations
10. I love holiday season, even if I badly miss cold and snow!!!

viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2011

DAY 22

1. I love to laugh
2. I love to enjoy myself
3. I love meeting good people
4. I love dreaming for an even better future
5. I love that I can materialize my dreams
6. I love eating with wooden cutlery
7. I love gathering wild herbs
8. I love to learn about them from coutry people
9. I love driving on my own
10. I love to please people

jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2011

Tuesday day 19
1. I love the way I think
2. I love how I behave
3. I love that I al always happy
4. I love that it reflects on people
5. I love that I am responsable
6. I love shopping for food in farmer’s markets
7. I love going to the countryside
8. I love that I accept myself
9. I love that I am always working on becoming an even better person
10. I love that even if I am tired I forced myself up the sofa to write this
Wednesday Day 20
1. I love that I got so far in this daily excercise
2. I love that my life is as nice as any movie
3. I love that I work on my relatioships every day
4. I love that I don’t give anything for granted
5 I loves that I know that every day in my life is a special gift
6. I love that I try to make the most of it
7. I love that I savour the bad moments as well as the good ones, as they also are experiences for my backpack
8. I love that thanks to this commitment every day I am writing a blog
9. I love bumping into a lady, finding out that she was looking for me and ending up with a business proposal
10. I love that life is being nice to me
Thursday Day 21
1. I love chewing wheatgrass in the morning
2. I love explaining to people who asks me for a chewing gum what it really is and what the expression on their faces. It’s un-payable!
3. I love being vegan, it gives me such a new perspective of the world
4. I love that I sleep better since changing my eating habits
5. I love that I am saving animal lives
6. I love I have deeper dreams
7. I love that I trust my sixth sense
8. I love that I am able to say no when I need time for myself
9. I love that my family is cool and relaxed
10. I love that I don’t let other people’s opinions change the way I do things

lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2011

DAY 18

Day 18
1. I love my dog, he's been with me for the past 13 years
2. I love that I healed him with Aura Soma, vegan diet and love
3. I love to watch him run up the stairs whe I thought I would never feel him pull on the leash
4. I love to go for a walk at the night
5. I love looking at the moon
6. I love her power and light filling me
7. I love that a day is coming to an end and I still have the energy to feed my kids and put them to bed with a story
8. I love that I made 2 trays of different kinds of biscuits for the weeks so that my kids have their homemade snack for school
9. I love that my kids don't eat preservatives or artificial coloured foods
10. I love that because of his great health my little boy went through the flu in 3 days, with soups, smoothies and phitoteraphy and NO antibiotics

domingo, 27 de noviembre de 2011

Friday day 15 
1. I love sitting under a tree at dawn meditating and 
feeling its green hug
2. I love feeling at more ease with nature than with urban life
3. I love being green in living, eating and thinking
4. I love chewing wheatgrass, it makes me feel so natural and alive
5. I love the inspiration I get from talking to wiser and older people
6. I love having a long conversation with a girlfriend sharing 
concerns and happiness
7. I love having a good laugh with a girlfriend over tea
8. I love not feeling guilty for not working and spending time with 
a girlfriend instead
9. I love finding a book to give a friend as a present
10. I love writing a deep dedicatory so it won't be forgotten and 
will remeber the moment and the reason the book was given to her.
Saturday day 16
1. I love to cater for a child birthday party
2. I love making everything from scratch and planning in advance 
the child most special day
3. I love their little expecting faces when they walk in and find 
out their favourite carachter is the theme of their party
4. I love making a special themed cake
5. I also love to cater for an adult birthday party ( if you wonder, 
yes, today I had a 4 and a 40 yrs old parties)
6. I love when after the first few drinks they loose their shiness 
and the party kicks!
7. I love it because it doesn't seem like work but fun for me too
8. I love that they love my food
9. I love they appreciate my work and don't treat me like staff 
but like one of them
10. I love that when they ask I tell them about vegan food parties 
and hopefully they will became the majority in the future
Sunday day 17
1. I love that I have finally dowloaded an update for the Ipad,
so that from now on I can post my lovings everyday and not have 
to wait for a decent web access
2. I love that I went to a natural fair this morning and I went to see
the raw food stand and everything there looked like what I make 
for myself, so I am good cook
3. I love that I am a good cook
4. I love that I can find inspiration everywhere
5. I love cooking for my family
6. I love that I am experimeting with vegan cakes and will introduce
them to my customers
7. I love that folks are starting to question animal products
8. I love that my friend said to me today: if everybody thought like 
you, the world wouldn't have problems!
9. I love that we are palnning to go to plant trees in a new 
reforesting park next weekend
10. I love my raw chocolates I am eating!

jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2011

Monday day 11

1. I love that my body went through flu in 6 hours instead than the usual 3 days
2. I love that people around me appreciated the fact and took note to improve their health
3. I love that my body is healthy
4. I love that my body is strong
5. I love that my kids go out and say my mom is always happy because she drinks green juice
6. I love that my mum takes good example and started eating vegan
7. I love the beginning of the week as much as I love the end, each with its pros and cons
8. I love that I don't crave coffee first thing in the morning
9. I love that the idea of croissant and cappuccino makes me feel sick, it's means I went pass them
10. I love to go for a walk in the Old Town after dark

Tuesday day 12

1. I love that through business I found a long lost friend
2. I love that when there's been a deep feeling, even if time passes by, only a smile is enough to wipe off the time gone by and it's possible to pick up where left
3. I love that where there was trust, there always will be
4. I love my job
5. I love starting a project, working throughly hard until it's satisfactorly finished
6. I love that when I do something I like, even if it's hard, it doesn't bother or tire me
7. I love finding people the perfect home
8. I love the excitment of starting with a new client
9. I love when older people takes me seriously
10. I love when a senior professional consider my advices

Wednesday Day 13

1. I love that it loooks like life loves me
2. I love that I keep finding signs the someone from above is always looking after me
3.I love that people like me
4. I love that it doesn't bother me anymore when someone doesn't like me
5. I love that I stopped suffering if I am not able to make everyone happy
6. I love that I understand that nobody can understand me
7.I love that there are many more people that like me that whose that dislike me
8. I love that when I am not wanted I turn around and walk away with no anger
9. I love that at the end of the day I am always grateful for all I achieved today
10. I love that I found and the bottom of my briefcase a 50€ note I had forgotten about and put it away for a special treat for my family

Thursday day 14

I am European, we do not celebrate Thanksgiving but as I teach my kids to give thanks to the Spirits for all we have I will honor it for all the Americans
1. I am thankful for my family
2. I am thankful for my job
3. I am thankful for my business
4. I am thankful for my vibrant health
5. I am thankful for my home
6. I am thankful for my friends
7. I am thankful for what I lear every day
8. I am thankful for my mistakes
9. I am thankful for my background
10. I am thankful for my life as it is

domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2011

DAY 10

Today I don't feel well, might have caught the cold but still
1. I love that I know tomorrow I will feel better
2. I love that Nature is wise and my body tells me to take things easy
3. I love to spend time doing nothing, just be
4. I love that the rest of the family show concern and appreciation
5. I love that my daughter can hug me the same way my mum used to when I was small and felt poorly
6. I love that my husband takes care of me
7. I love that my little boy gave me his teddy to make me feel better
8. I love to spend the afternoon on the couch catching up on movies I had no time to watch
9. I love to look at the refreshing rain outside
10. I love the light and the colour of the plantas, flowers and trees get with the rain
And tomorrow, out on the battle field again! Good job it's Sunday!!!!

sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2011


DAY 8 and 9
1. I love that I can do this easily every day with pleasure (I sometimes post every other day as I don’t alway have web access as I live outside town)
2. I love that I have a few real friends, whom are there when needed
3. I love to listen to their advices
4. I love that they love me deeply
5. I love that I am a good friend in return
6. I love that I can put my concerns aside to listen to theirs
7. I love that even if I am tired but have something important to will pick up myself and get going with a smile on my face
8. I love to go out for a walk under the rain
9. I love it, when I meet people with the same likings as mines
10. I love that I get on with people with no effort
11. I love that when I walk into a meeting where I know nobody, I always find somebody willing to spend some time with me
12. I love doing yoga first thing in the morning when the house is still asleep
13. I love how relieved my body and mind feel afterwards
14. I love walking into the woods to medidtate at the end of the day
15. I love it, when I suddenly wake up at night fully awake and spend hours reading a chick-lit novel (yesss! it’s one of my secret plesures, even if I’m supposed to say I’m all meditation and out of body experiences!!!)
16. I love that I’m about to make a friend of mine VERY happy in the VERY near future
17. I love the satisfaction of a job well done
18. I love that when I get on a project I don’t let go until it’s satisfactorly finished and delivered
19. I love when a happy customer gives me a present to say thank you when they’ve already paid for my services (a box of chocolates or a plant for my desk is more valuable than a check, that really means THANK YOU)
20. I love that people trust me with their businesses

jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2011

Day 6 & 7

Day 6 & 7
I love that I am
1. trustworthy
2. respectful
3. easygoing
4. reliable
5. a good friend always available
6. a good listener
7. an example for a few
8. a threat for some too
9. always happy
10. mostly positive
12. other times realistic
11. I love that I’ve been doing this for a week
13. I love that with this excuse I’ve started writing a daily blog, which is becoming really funny.
14. I love that people read and comment it
15. I love going for a run on the seashore in the morning
16. I love looking at the waves
17. I love breathing in freshness and positivity and breathing out concernes and stress
18. I love feeling the heat of the sun on my face
19. I love being able to share my experiences
20. I love just to be

martes, 15 de noviembre de 2011

Day 5

Hey, this was a great green day! As a Monday should always be.
Breakfast: hot water with lemon and about 2 litres of water through the morning
Lunch: Green Smoothie (kale, banana, prunes, water) and big bowl of stir fried veggies with no salt and no oil, just a bit of soy sauce and seichuan pepper
Mid afternoon: another Green Smoothie
Dinner: Green Juice (cucomber, celery and kale)

I fell so proud of myself!!!

1.I love myself for committing to such an inspiring habit, I couldn't believe how great this makes me feel.
2. I love myself for committing to a whole week on green juices only even if period turned up today!!!
3. I love my mum for always being there for me to lend a hand when needed
4. I loved spending the morning in the kithen making cakes and muffins to sweeten people lives.
5. I love earthy autumn colours
6. I love that Christmas isn't far away.
7. I love that for the first time I am having a full vegan menu for the holidays
8. I love that I am planning on doing all the decorations with things I gather in the woods.
9. I love that I will hold loads of parties to celebrate that we simply are alive and belong to this beautiful world.
10. I love the day that's coming to an end, even if it was a hard one.

lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2011


Now, this was the weekend that got a bit upside down, but still tried to be as light as possible
Breakfast: remember that the night before I had been slightly drinking, which resulted in a moderate hangover when waking up and also finding no lemons in the house so I had a red tea instead. After a while I had a cucumber and celery juice (processed in the liquidiser) to clean my excesses.
Lunch: after having spent the morning out and about and haven't been fully recovered I had to have a pizza with some vegan cheese and loads of fresh veggies, yyummy! After that I was myself again
Mid afternon: huge mixed salad
Dinner: Green juice (celery, cucomber and kale)

And Sunday we went out to the country
Breakfast: purple smoothie (orange juice, prunes, bananas)
Mid morning: green tea
Lunch: Avocado, lettuce and tomato sandwich
Mid afternoon: another sandwich and a red tea
Dinner: BBQed chestnuts we  got from a countryman

Had no web access yesterday so DAY 3 and DAY 4 go together.
1. I love that today is the first day of the rest of my life
2. I love my silky hair
3. I love my shiny skin
4. I love my flat stomach
5. I love the firm roundness of my bottom
6. I love how light I feel
7. I love the flexibility of my body
8. I love being happy
9. I love feeling hopeful for the future
10. I love being in love
11. I love to go walking in the park this morning and finding wisdom by looking at the greeness
12. I love the smell of Nature after a night rain
13. I love how my doggy loves these moments
14. I love that people trust me
15. I love that my restaurant was today full of laughing people
16. I love the love I put in the food I cook
17. I love to bless the food before eatinf it
18. I love how I can spend a Monday on water after some extra calories on Sunday, my body actually demands a break, even if it was raw vegan chocolate
19. I love how people admire me for doing so and encorages me to carry on and finally get rid of the 6 pounds left...(I kow I am not supposed to use a scale, but if I don't I cannot discipline myself)
20. I love that my friend asked me to be her bithing partner.

sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2011


Breakfast: I usually have the same Orange smoothie every day. Orange juice, half a melon, 2 bananas
Mid morning: 3 cups of flavoured balck tea (which caused me lack of sleep at night, as my system isn't used to so much tein in one go)
Lunch: Smoothie (banana, broccoli, melon, mango)  and mixed salad (lettuce, rocket, cherry tomatoes, sundried tomatoes, cocumber, red onion and parsley with black vinegar dressing)
Mid afternoon: 1 vegan muffin and one prune
Dinner: I started well with 2 big glasses of the same smoothie I had for lunch but them I met my friend for a drink and spoiled it 2 glasses of red + 2 glasses of champagne that got medrunk straight away as I only had a few chips and hot jalapeños on the side. Oh my, will never drink again!!!!

Day 2
1. I love this beautiful day for me to enjoy
2. I love lazy weekend’s mornings with a sun tea in my hand
3. I love the light I am spreading through the world
4. I love the commitment I have taken to be vegan in order to avoid animal cruelty
5. I love how powerful it makes me feel, mental control over body cravings
6. I love that people come to me for couselling on how to lead a healthier lifestyle
7. I love being able to help them
8. I love my family life just as it is
9. I love my supportive friends and how we always make everything right by spending a night laughing together
10. I love my mum, that is the best in the world

viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2011


I will post for 30 days what I eat to show you how it is possible to survive (and loose some weight on the way) on a vegan diet, as well as post 10 things I love about myself to improve positivity.
Obviously I'll go one day behind...

Breakfast: Orange Smoothie (in the blender orange juice, half a melon, 2 bananas)
Mid morning: red tea
Lunch: Ginger Smoothie (in the blender 2 apples, 2 pears, 1 banana, handful of spinach, 2.5 cm piece of ginger) this produces 1.7 litre which I drink between lunch and mid-afternoon.
Big bowl of stir fried veggies with soy sauce (peppers, onions, carrots, courgettes, mushrooms, soy sprouts)
Dinner miso soup with coliflower
herbal tea

1. I love that it’s Friday and I will get a bit of break from work.
2. I love that I am off to a St. Martins parade with kids, love them sooo much
3. I love how my jeans are loosening a bit more every day thanks to the raw diet
4. I love all the positivity I am getting through living foods
5. I love their colours, flavours, freshness
6. I love how so few of us can make so much to change the way people feed themself, showing them how well we feel
7. I love how many animal lives we save, as many more people become vegan
8. I love the image I see in the mirror even when I am tired
9. I love when I can help someone even if they don’t say thank you
10. I love waking up with the same men after 15 years
… and tomorrow more to come!