lunes, 11 de febrero de 2013

Sunburst Juice

Ideal for breakfast, just recently discovered the original recipe from 

Ingredients for 2 people:
2 red peppers
juice of 4 oranges
juice of 1 lemon
1 bunch of carrots (7-10)

juice the pepper and the carrots in the juicer and the citrus in the citrus juicer, as they're meant to be juiced without the skin on and personally I found it easier to use the citrus juicer than peeling them!

Ideal to enjoy before going sunbathing as you'll get more tan!


Ideal para desayunar es una receta descubierta recientemente en 
Joe the Juicer (en riguroso Ingles)

Ingredientes para 2 zumos:
1 manojo de zanahorias
2 pimientos rojos
zumo de 4 naranjas
zumo de 1 limon

Meter en la licuadora la zanahorias y los pimientos, y agregarle el zumo de naranja y limón echo en la zumadora de cítricos. 
Se supone que hay que pelar las naranjas y el limón y meterlos en la licuadora, pero como es un trabajo bastante tedioso, prefiero hacer el zumo a parte ya que resulta mas rápido y practico.

Ideal para disfrutar antes de ir a tomar el sol ya que te pondrás mas moren@

viernes, 8 de febrero de 2013

Healthy Snack nº1

This great snack came from the rest of juicing my breakfast ORANGE SPICY JUICE, I was cleaning the juicer and thought what a pity it was that all that nice stuff was going into the vean, so that I added some pumpkin seeds and a kaki (they're just going out of season now, so that I'll have to do without from now on) Mixed it all in, stored it in the fridge and enjoyed it at 5pm for mid afternoon snack on my terrace while warming with the last rays of sun
Esta maravilla salio de los restos de mi desayuno ZUMO NARANJA PICANTE.
Estaba yo limpiando la batidora cuando me dije: que pena! toda esta fibra a la basura, asi que lo recogi, le añadi unas semillas de calabaza, un kaki (los últimos de la temporada), lo mezcle todo, lo guarde en la nevera y disfrute de una buenissima merienda a las 5 en mi terraza mientra me calentaba con los últimos rayos de sol del dia!

Healthy Snack nº2

These are some wonderful cookies I made yesterday afternoon with my son Marco.
They're the vegan version of 'digestive oaties' and the recepy is quite simple

1 and 1/2 cup oats
2 big or 3 med bananas
1/2 cup pitted dates
1 golden apple
Cinnamon to taste
1/2 teaspoon baking soda

In a bowl Combine and whisk dry ingredients, easy right?
then put the rest in food processor until well mixed but with some chunks left, mix in dry ingredients until well blended and then make cookies into lines baking trays. I got around 20 fat cookies, that's basically up to personal tastes. Bake 10-15 mins on 150 Celsius until cookies turn golden brown.

Enjoy them warm or cool, again it's up to. You own personal taste!!!


Estas son unas maravillosas galletas que hice con mi hijo Marco la otra tarde. Son la version vegana de las 'galletas digestive de avena' y la receta es muy simple

1 y 1/2 taza de avena
2 bananas grandes o 3 medianas bien maduras
1/2 taza de datiles deshuesados
1 manzana golden bien amarilla
Canela al gusto
1/2 cucharadita de bicarbonato

En un bol mezclar los ingredientes secos, facil, verdad?

 Poner los restantes en el procesador de alimentos hasta que queden bien mezclados pero con trocitos, añadirlos al bol delos ingredientes secos y mezclarlo hasta que quede una masa bien homogenea, hacer las galletas y ponerlas en unas bandejas preparadas con papel de horno. A mi me han salido una 20 galletas bien gorditas, pero eso tambien depende de los gustos personales.

Meterlas al horno unos 10/15 minutos a 150 grados, hasta que queden doraditas.
Disfrutarlas calientitas o fria, una vez mas segun gustos!!!


Healthy Snack nº3

I still haven't mentioned that I am following #healthysELF these days and the challenge for today is healthy snacks, so, since I am always extremely busy and not everyday I can post something new, I will post not 1, nor 2 but 3 healthy snacks or breakfast ideas!

Todavía no he comentado que estoy siguiendo estos dias #healthysELF (todo en Ingles, por supuesto) y para hoy recomiendan compartir recetas de meriendas y desayunos saludables, as que como siempre estoy muy liada y no todos los dias puedo escribir algo nuevo hoy voy a poner no 1, ni 2 , pero 3 recetas de snacks saludables!


This could be easily called sweet soup as it has the texture of a soup and sweet taste.
Blend a kaki with the juice of a pear and a grated golden apple, add in some seeds (pumpkin, hemp, flax, sesame, chia) and or some nuts (walnuts, macadamia, almonds) and enjoy cold or warmed up on top of a bowl of boiling water and don't forget a generous sprinkle of cinnamon on top!

Esta podria ser facilmente llamada sopa dulce ya que tiene la consistencia de una sopa con un sabor definitivamente dulce.
Mezcla un kaki con el zumo de una pera y añadele una mazana golden rallada, añadele unas semillas a tu eleccion (calabaza, chia, cañamo, sesamo, lino) y/o unas nueces (macadamia, almendras, nueces) y disfrutala fria o calentada encima de una olla de agua hirbiendo sin olvidarte de terminarla con un generoso aporte de canela encima!

Breakfast with a kick

Ingredientes: 1 banana, 1 manzana, 1 pera, 1 manojo de espinacas y un trozo de jengibre (el tamaño depende de la cantidad de picante que se desea) y un vaso de agua (aquí también mas o menos dependiendo de la textura deseada)
Ingredients: 1 banana, 1 apple, 1 pear, 1 handful of spinach and a piece of ginger (the size depending on how spicy you like your smoothie) and a cup of water (again here it depends on how thick you like it)

Fill up the blender and set it on max for half a minute and ENJOY!

Llenamos la batidora y medio minuto al máximo y A DISFRUTAR!

La raíz de jengibre desitoxica el hígado, inhibe el hambre y alivia los problemas respiratorios si la tomamos en agua con zumo de limón

Ginger root is a very good liver cleanser, (so ideal for detoxing), hunger ihibitor and helps healing coughs when disolved in hot wáter with lemon

Ingredientes: 1 banana, 1 manzana, 1 pera, 1 manojo de espinacas y un trozo de jengibre (el tamaño depende de la cantidad de picante que se desea) y un vaso de agua (aquí también mas o menos dependiendo de la textura deseada)

Llenamos la batidora y medio minuto al máximo y A DISFRUTAR!

Ingredients: 1 banana, 1 apple, 1 pear, 1 handful of spinach and a piece of ginger (the size depending on how spicy you like your smoothie) and a cup of water (again here it depends on how thick you like it)

Fill up the blender and set it on max for half a minute and ENJOY!

La raíz de jengibre desitoxica el hígado, inhibe el hambre y alivia los problemas respiratorios si la tomamos en agua con zumo de limón

Ginger root is a very good liver cleanser, (so ideal for detoxing), hunger ihibitor and helps healing coughs when disolved in hot wáter with lemon

Peach Green Smoothie

Ingredientes: Espinacas, 1 banana, 1 melocotón o nectarina, 1 manzana.

Se le puede añadir espirulina o chlorella y alguna semilla como por ejemplo cañamo, sesamo o lino

Arrancas la batidora al maximo durante medio minuto y VOILA! delicioso y super sano desayuno!

Ingredients: spinach, 1 banana, 1 golden apple and 1 peach or nectarin

You can add spirulina or chlorella and a seed for added proteins like sesame seeds, hemp or flax

Fill up your blender, set it to max for half a minute and VOILA! super yummmy and healthy breakfast

Summer flavour Green Smoothie


Ingredientes: 2 o 3 tajadas de melon, 1 mango pequeño, 1 banana, manojo de espinacas

Añadele un superalimento (chlorella, spirulina, maca) y una semilla (sesamo, lino, cañamo) y arranca la batidora!

El sabor dulce de este batido me recuerda el verano incluso en pleno invierno...

Ingredients: 2 or 3 slices of melon, 1 small mango, 1 banana, handful of spinach and a cup of wáter

Feel free to add a superfood (chlorella, spirulina, maca, ...) and a seed ( hemp, sesame, flax) and set the blender

The sweetness of the ingredients reminds me of summer

lunes, 4 de febrero de 2013

Lentil Soup / Lentejas


This is an old time fav as the technique of blendind the veggies versus living them in chunks makes it good for kids, who, as long as it's blended, will eat everything!

2 cups of lentils soaked for 8 hrs
2 med carrots
1 med onion
1 potato

Put the lentils in water overnight
Rinse them with plenty water. In a pot stir fry the chopped up veggies with 3 tableapoons of olive oil and 3 tablespoon of water until onions turn golden brown. Add 1 cup water and let it boil for 5 mins. Blend it with hand blender, put in lentils and 1/2 litre water and a cube of vegan veggie stock (from any health shop) add in 3 or 4 leaves laurel and let it boil on medium heat for 1/2 hour.

This is the basic lentil soup. If you let it rest till lunch or dinner it'll taste good, if you wait till the following day it'll taste delish

If you have a bowl of it the same day, the leftover for the following day can be twisted up with cumin for next day. Unbelieavle!



Esta es una de mis recetas favoritas, quizás porque con ella descubrí el método de triturar las verduras en vez que dejarlas en trocitos, así los niños se lo comen todo, ya se sabe, mientras este triturado, se lo comen todo!

2 tazas de lentejas en remojo durante 8 horas
2 zanahorias medianas
1 cebolla
1 patata grande o 2 pequeñas
1 pimiento verde pequeño
4 hojas de laurel
3 cucharadas de aceite de oliva

Trocear y saltear las verduras con 1/4 de taza de agua hasta que estén doraditas, añadirles 2 tazas de agua hirviendo, las pastilla de caldo y dejar cocer 5 minutos. tritura todo con la batidora, quedara una crema espesa, añádele las lentejas y aproximadamente 1/2 litro de agua hirviendo. Deja en el fuego medio-bajo durante unos 20 minutos, hasta que las lentejas estén blandas.

esta es la recetas basica de las lentejas, se pueden disfrutar al momento y si quedan para el dia siguiente estaran mas sabrosas, y para darle un cambio se le puede añadir un poco de comino y perejil fresco

A disfrutar!

Beans and Veggies Soup / Alubias con verduras


Wonderful warm up hearthy vegetarian soup


2 cups boiled red kidney beans
1 red tomato
1 big onion
3 sticks of celery
1 head curly lettuce

Stir fry the tomato, onion and celery in 3 Tbspoon olive oil for about 2 minutes, add in the beans, the chopped up curly lettuce, 1 cube veggie stock and 1 litre boiling water.
Let cook for 20 minutes and serve with some freshly cut chives and / or parsley.


Maravilloso puchero vegetariano


2 tazas de alubias pintas hervidas
1 tomate bien rojo
1 cebolla grande
3 palos de apio
1 scarola
1 pastilla de caldo
Cebollino y/o perejil

Salteas el tomate con la cebolla y el apio durante 2 minutos, añade las alubias y la escarola con una pastilla de caldo y un litro de agua hirviendo.
Deja cocer durante 20 minutos y sirve con perejil y / o cebollino encima.


Not very nice to say, both for myself and the recipe maker, that I was surprised at how good this dish turned out to be.

I got the original recipe from Reboot With Joe HERE and changed it a bit.
It's an amazing hearth warming dish ideal for no so warm temperatures, packed with iron and minerals

1 cup boiled red kidney beans
1 small zucchini
1 red pepper
1/2 onion
3 cups tomato sauce
4 mushrooms
1 cup water
2 Tbsp olive oil
pinch of salt
1 tsp hot chilli powder
1 Tbsp cumin
1 mashed garlic clove
1 handful of fresh baby spinach

Chilli being cooked
Chop up all the veggies except for the spinch, put them in a big frying pan (I used a wok which is great for all sort of cooking) with the olive oil and sautee them for about 2 minutes.
Add in the tomato sauce and when it boils add in the water, chilli and cumin
Keep turning and let boil for about 10 minutes

Et voile, you vegan chilli is ready!

Divide into 4 bowls and top up with the fresh spinach and enjoy!

Chilli served with a bunch of fresh spinach

1 taza de alubias cocidas

1 calabacin pequeño
1 pimento roji
1/2 cebolla
3 tazas salsa de tomate
4 champiñones
1 taza de agua
2 cucharadas aceite de oliva
1 cucharadita sal
1 cucharadita chilli picante
1 cucharada comino
1 diente de ajo
2 puñado espinacas frescas

Trocear todas las verduras menos las espinacas y saltearlas en una sarten honda (yo use el wok que esta muy bien para cocinar cualquier cosa) durante unos 2 minutos, añadir la salsa de tomate y en cuanto coja el hervor añadir el agua.
Dejar cocinar durante unos 10 minutos a fuego alto removiendo continuamente, y listo, el chilli puede ser servido en 4 cuencos decorados con las espinacas


domingo, 3 de febrero de 2013

Spinach soup / Crema de Espinacas



1 onion
3 carrots
1 big potato
1 bunch of fresh spinach, about 300 grams

1 tsp salt
3 Tbsp olice oil
handful of mozzarella
handful of crutons

Stir fry the onion, carrots and potatoes with olive oil for about 2 minutes, add in 3/4 litre boiling water and 1 cube veggie stock.
Let boil for 20 minutes, add in spinach, cheese if desired and blend it.

Serve topped up with some mozzarella and crutons




1 cebolla
3 zanahorias
1 patata grande
1 manojo de espinacas frescas, aproximadamente 300 gramos
1cucharadita sal
4 cucharadas de aceite de oliva
puñado de mozzarella
puñado de crutons

trocear y saltear la cebolla con las zanahorias y las patatas en 3 cucharadas de aceite de oliva durante unos 2 minutos, agregar 3/4 de litros de agua hirviendo 1 una pastilla de caldo vegetal.

Dejar hervir unos 20 minutos, añadir un poco de queso (opción con lácteos) y pasarla por la batidora

Servirla en unos cuencos calientes con crutons y mozzarella

viernes, 1 de febrero de 2013

Rainy morning cheer up! Desayuno para un dia lluvioso

When you wake up to a grey rainy morning, you really need somenthing that gives you a kick to get you out of the house and going on with your chores, and yesterday I found it in this incredible green smoothie.


1 golden apple, 1 pear, 1 banana, a glass of water, a handful of parsley, a BIG piece of ginger and half a teaspoon of spirulina.

Turn on the blender and enjoy!

TIP: if you're really cold, you should add hot water

Cuando te despiertas y por la ventana solo ves lluvia y cielo gris, realmente necesitas un desayuno con empuje para arrancar el dia y yo lo encontre en este batido verde


1 manzana golden, 1 pera, 1 banana, un vaso de agua, un puñado de perejil, un buen trozo de jenjibre y media cucharadita de spirulina.

Ponlo todo en la batidora y disfrutalo!

IDEA: si tienes frio pon el agua caliente.

Oven baked Veggies with Mediterranean herbs

Side dish, oven baked mixed veggies with Mediterranean herbs


 2 aubergines, 3 peppers (1 of each colour), 1 onion, 2 zucchini, 1/4 cup olive oil, handful of parsley, 10 leaves salvia, handful of rosemary, 3 cloves garlic.

 Chop up the veggies and arrange in tray top up with salt and pepper, put the herbs with garlic and olive oil in a cup and blend then put ontop of veggies and massage throughout so that the flavour is uniform.

Bake for about 20 minutes on 200 Celsius.

The amount lasts for 2 to 3 days



Elf Smoothie / Batido Verde de los elfos

#elf for health Kelly @nsSweetlife created Elf Juice, so I thought I called this one Elf Smoothie, even if the combination is quite summery, remember that I leave in the South of Spain, so winter here is quite non existent!!!

IMG_1065   Ingredients (for 2 smoothies, you cn either share or save it for later!):

1/2 orange with skin
1 banana
1/4 pinapple
1 small mango
1 cup water
3 handfuls spinach


Ingredientes (para 2 batidos, tu eliges: comparte o guardas para mas tarde!!!): 
1/2 naranja con piel
1 banana
1/4 de piña
1 mango pequeño
1 vaso de agua
3 puñados de espinacas

How important are raw foods in our diets?

                    Now this is important, so all of you take good note: starting on the 1st of January for dinner I started a 3 days liquid detox to clean my body between the New Year and 3 Kings long weekends.
                    Today (as per the 5th of January) for lunch I broke the detox and after my savoury smoothie I had 50 grams of pasta with truffle butter (gluten and dairy). 

To start with, I'd say the flavour wasn't as good as I remember and then, and here goes the important thing, after about an hour I started to feel extremely tired and in bad mood, so when I got home after work, I made myself a carrot/apple/ginger juice, which I sipped with the last rays of sun of the day. 

Within 10 minutes I was myself again.

                   Yesterday afternoon (as per the 4th of January), the end of day 3, after work I went shopping in a crowded mall, got home and cooked dinner for the kids, made juices for hubby and myself, cleaned up the kitchen and still had tons of energy to spare.

Now, what does this make you think?

                 The vitamins, minerals, enzymes and superfoods contained in a raw food diet are impossible to get on a onmivore cooked food diet. And even not going deep into this, just the fact of having so much energy and needing less hour's sleep (and be able to do more) should convert people to at least 50% raw foodism aiming for 80-90% which is the ideal.

Listen to THE raw food expert David Wolfe here but only until the 11th of February, so hurry up!     if the link doesn't work, copy and paste in your browser

More on my raw food journey HERE