martes, 14 de mayo de 2013

Spring reboot Day 2

Breakfast carrot/ginger/Apple juice
Lunch Celery Salmorejo

Food log for today, day 2 of my reboot

Dinner red juice (beets, carrots, celery and cucumber)

Well today again I didn't have the gut to get on the scale, I feel I need to see a nice number...
So today also went well, I stuck to my planned food, no slip ups, no craving, had a lot of wáter and felt totally in control, just a tiny bit light headed through the end, maybe beacause I worked non stop from 8 am to 8 pm.
After having my dinner juice I still felt hungry and had to put my hands in my pockets and use all my power to control my instincts and walk out of the kitchen, where hubby was grilling hamburgers for the kids. Mind you, I don't like meat, I am vegetarian, but that's when I know I really am hungry: I could eat anything.
But I made myself a cup of tea and sat down at the computer to keep busy and my mind off food.
It looks like is working.
However, from my previous experience day 2 and day 3 are the worst.
I am confident!

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