lunes, 4 de febrero de 2013


Not very nice to say, both for myself and the recipe maker, that I was surprised at how good this dish turned out to be.

I got the original recipe from Reboot With Joe HERE and changed it a bit.
It's an amazing hearth warming dish ideal for no so warm temperatures, packed with iron and minerals

1 cup boiled red kidney beans
1 small zucchini
1 red pepper
1/2 onion
3 cups tomato sauce
4 mushrooms
1 cup water
2 Tbsp olive oil
pinch of salt
1 tsp hot chilli powder
1 Tbsp cumin
1 mashed garlic clove
1 handful of fresh baby spinach

Chilli being cooked
Chop up all the veggies except for the spinch, put them in a big frying pan (I used a wok which is great for all sort of cooking) with the olive oil and sautee them for about 2 minutes.
Add in the tomato sauce and when it boils add in the water, chilli and cumin
Keep turning and let boil for about 10 minutes

Et voile, you vegan chilli is ready!

Divide into 4 bowls and top up with the fresh spinach and enjoy!

Chilli served with a bunch of fresh spinach

1 taza de alubias cocidas

1 calabacin pequeño
1 pimento roji
1/2 cebolla
3 tazas salsa de tomate
4 champiñones
1 taza de agua
2 cucharadas aceite de oliva
1 cucharadita sal
1 cucharadita chilli picante
1 cucharada comino
1 diente de ajo
2 puñado espinacas frescas

Trocear todas las verduras menos las espinacas y saltearlas en una sarten honda (yo use el wok que esta muy bien para cocinar cualquier cosa) durante unos 2 minutos, añadir la salsa de tomate y en cuanto coja el hervor añadir el agua.
Dejar cocinar durante unos 10 minutos a fuego alto removiendo continuamente, y listo, el chilli puede ser servido en 4 cuencos decorados con las espinacas


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