sábado, 27 de julio de 2013

Vegan Gluten Free is the Way to Be

Following my first post Experimenting with Gluten Free Vegan I have found my balance in this new lifestyle, which is not a diet per se, but I can definitively say this is now a statement for me.
Haven't posted for ages as been very busy with work and felt a bit off the vagon and overdid fod over winter, then done a juice detox in spring, then weather got cold again and just kept finding excuses for when I couldn't just keep my mouth shout and carried on eating foods that weren't doing me any good: one day (or maybe 2 or 3) stick to juices or liquid food for then, by day 3, being so hungry to contemplate eating anything and most of the times giving in or trying to get back to the way I lost weight last spring The Beck's method of having one's fav food once a day, in my case half a bowl of pasta at midday but had realized my body has changed: having cleaned itself with healthy habits, now it reacted badly to sugar (pasta or bread in general) so after the pasta I felt hungrier that before.
So finally made up my mind and gone back to VGF, the first few days, as usual, where the trickiest as had to watch and think constantly but got to day 5 successfully having even had a night out and stuck to the plan.
Result: no more sugar cravings, feeling full, healthy, positive and in control and currently experimenting as much as possible in the kitchen


Whole meal rice with taboulleh

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