domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2011

DAY 10

Today I don't feel well, might have caught the cold but still
1. I love that I know tomorrow I will feel better
2. I love that Nature is wise and my body tells me to take things easy
3. I love to spend time doing nothing, just be
4. I love that the rest of the family show concern and appreciation
5. I love that my daughter can hug me the same way my mum used to when I was small and felt poorly
6. I love that my husband takes care of me
7. I love that my little boy gave me his teddy to make me feel better
8. I love to spend the afternoon on the couch catching up on movies I had no time to watch
9. I love to look at the refreshing rain outside
10. I love the light and the colour of the plantas, flowers and trees get with the rain
And tomorrow, out on the battle field again! Good job it's Sunday!!!!

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